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You’re invited to explore the results of January’s ThoughtExchange on our budget development process. More than 330 ideas were shared and rated nearly 13,000 times by 360 participants. A strong majority—69%—reported having at least some knowledge of the budget development process. Check out the top themes and all submitted thoughts in our interactive report.
At Highline, we are committed to ensuring all students, families, and staff feel welcomed, valued, and safe. As part of this commitment, we have security procedures in place to protect everyone in our buildings. The security systems, installed in spring 2024, allow office staff to see and talk to visitors before unlocking the door.
Literacy is one of our Big 4 focus areas, and we’re seeing growth. Elementary students are building strong reading and writing skills, while secondary students engage with complex texts and expand their vocabulary. Secondary iReady scores show a 6% increase in students reading at grade level. Teachers use data and professional development to refine instruction, ensuring every student is prepared for their future.
At this time, we plan to open schools on time on Friday, February 7. We are closely watching conditions. We want to remind you that if weather conditions require a two-hour delay on an early release day, school will be canceled for the day.
You are invited to an open house at the Waskowitz Outdoor Education Center on Sunday, March 16 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Due to weather and road conditions, all schools are on a two-hour delay on Thursday, February 6. Buses will stop at regular stops–two hours later than normal.
We are expanding Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to ensure every Highline student receives the right support or enrichment to succeed. A new District MTSS Implementation Team is guiding this effort, working with focus schools to refine strategies before expanding districtwide next year. This year’s priorities include instructional planning, professional learning, and a strong emphasis on literacy.
Winter weather--including windstorms--may force a change in the normal school schedule, even for students who attend virtual programs. We want you to be prepared and know where to get information.
The Highline School Board is seeking community involvement as they seek applications and nominations to fill two vacant seats on the board. Review the appointment timeline and see how you can be involved in the process.
We are seeing an encouraging trend in student enrollment. Looking ahead, we anticipate a slight enrollment decline over the next two years, followed by growth as more housing developments are completed in our community. Our enrollment projections are critical in budget development. As we develop our budget for next year, we are seeking feedback on the most important considerations to support all students we should prioritize. Give your input today.
Our Mission
To prepare all students for college, career and citizenship through a personalized, rigorous and relevant learning experience that is facilitated in the context of aviation and aerospace.