School Profile
Our School
Raisbeck Aviation High School is a top Washington College Preparatory high school in the Highline Public School District. Founded in 2003 as the premier public high school of choice for students in the Greater Seattle area, we serve 406 students from over 25 school districts in the Puget Sound Region who wish to pursue their passion for aviation and aerospace in a learning environment that prepares them for higher education, citizenship, and careers. With 45 different courses taught by 20 professionally certified staff members, RAHS offers a project-based learning environment that prepares students for their STEM future.
Our Mission
To prepare all students for college, career, and citizenship through a personalized, rigorous, and relevant learning experience that is facilitated in the context of aviation and aerospace.
Academic Programs
All students at Raisbeck Aviation High School are expected to complete a demanding course of studies over their four years, including at least one Advanced Placement course. Staff members hold students to high academic standards, preparing them for the rigors of college life and STEM careers.
Highlights of our Academic Program:
- In-depth Learning Experiences
- Foundational Skills for Success
- Students & Teachers Work Together
- Business Partnerships
- College Level Courses
- Mentorship Program
- Internship Program
- PSAT & SAT Particpation
- RAHS Membership
In-depth Learning Experiences
Foundational Skills for Success
Students & Teachers Work Together
Business Partnerships
College Level Courses
Mentorship Program
Internship Program
PSAT & SAT Particpation
RAHS Membership
Graduation Requirements
All students must earn a minimum of 24 credits to graduate. All students are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service. 9th grade students are required to take Aviation Careers and Aerospace Engineering along with their core courses. In addition, all students commit to taking at least one AP class during their time at RAHS.
A range of elective courses are available to students including 4 years of World Language, Aviation Photography, Leadership, Yearbook, Robotics, Astronomy, Advanced Aerospace Engineering, CAD Engineering, Journalism, Fine Arts, Computer Programming, and Aviation Business Entrepreneurship.
College Planning and Preparation
Ensuring all students are well prepared to attend the college of their choice is a trademark of Raisbeck Aviation High School. The college-planning program at RAHS is student-centered, comprehensive, and embedded in the design and daily operations of the school. Requirements align with Washington State College Admissions.
Weekly Advisory time provides all students the opportunity to participate in college and career planning activities. During the student’s four years at RAHS, they will finalize their personal High School and Beyond Plan, use individual interest surveys to consider options for their future, and complete research on apprenticeships, technical programs, and two and four-year colleges.
- Junior and Senior students attend college admissions panels and a “college admissions basics” presentation
- Junior students participate each year in the college admission seminar on such topics as essays, college selection, financial aid, and SAT/ACT/Subject tests
- Students attend yearly field trips to destinations such as the University of Washington, Port of Seattle, and King County Airport
- All Freshmen complete the Aviation Careers and Aerospace Engineering courses and explore the Museum of Flight
- All students attend an annual College Fair - Annual Financial Aid events are publicized for all families
- College Admissions personnel from all over the US are frequent visitors to campus to present to students and families
Extra-Curricular Activities
All students at RAHS have the opportunity to participate in a variety of “Sports of the Minds” teams and other extra-curricular clubs.
- Award winning Science Olympiad Team
- Three-time National Champion Green Energy/Solar Car Team
- Phoenix Force Robotics Team
- State and National level Speech and Debate Team
- Nationally competitive Technical Student Association
- The Aviation Career Experience (ACE)/GAMA Challenge
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Key Club
- Environmental Club
- National Honor Society
- Culture clubs: Black Student Union, Latinx Club and AAPI
- Gender Sexuality Alliance Club
School Recognitions and Honors
US News and World 2023 Report Gold Status #5 High School in Washington; #274 out of more than 24,000 schools in the US. 98.4 US News Scorecard report.
In 2024, 163 RAHS students took 305 Advanced Placement exams.
The Class of 2024 graduated 100% of our 97 students, 92% of whom met College Readiness standards. 9 Graduates in the Class of 2024 are Washington Honor Recipients, placing them in the top 10% of all graduates in the state. 21 graduates earned the Seal of Bi-literacy. 2024 Graduates earned over $4.0 million in scholarships and performed over 7900 hours of community service in their four years of high school.
The Sky is NOT the Limit
Principal: Therese Tipton
School Dean: Jeff Black
Counselor: Katie Carper and Jacob Savishinsky
Grades: 9-12
Student Count: 406
Median Class GPA: 3.76
Accreditation: Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD) State of Washington
Grading and Ranking: 4.0 out of 4.0 Unweighted GPA
- A = 4.0
- B = 3.0
- C = 2.0
- D = 1.0
- F = 0.0
- W = Withdrawal
- P = Pass
Grades are based on a traditional 60 - 100% scale
Advanced Courses Offered:
- Advanced Aerospace
- Advanced Physics
- AP Env. Science
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Language
- AP US History
- AP Spanish Lang
- AP Statistics
- AP Computer Science
- UW in the HS English
- UW in the HS Astronomy
PSAT Mean Score: 1074
SAT Mean Score: 1161
Smarter Balanced State Assessment (2024):
ELA 91% Pass
Math 72% Pass
Science 77% Pass
AP Avg. Test Scores:
- AP Lang 3.5
- AP US History 3.5
- AP Calc AB/Subs 4.8
- AP Calc AB 3.4
- AP Spanish Lang 4.6
- AP CS A 2.3
- AP Env. Sci 2.9
- AP Stats 3.1
National Merit Scholars:
- Semifinalists: 3
- Commended: 3
Students Attending:
- Four-Year College: 87%
- Two-Year College: 11%
- Military/Academy: 2%
- American Indian or Alaska Native: .2%
- Asian: 26.6%
- Black or African American: 12%
- Hispanic: 15%
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: .2%
- Two or More Races: 9%
- White: 37%
Free & Reduced Lunch: 34%