Course Offerings
Raisbeck Aviation High School was founded on the belief that it is possible to prepare you for the rigors of college work and the performance demands of a high-tech, global workplace. We are convinced you learn best when you can explore, investigate, analyze, reflect, perform, debate, work with others, solve problems, build, design, test ideas, visit places, and talk with experts and mentors.
We also believe you are more likely to think and work hard when you are passionate about the context in which learning takes place—aviation and aerospace. Flight inspires all of us who work here. We use the theme to focus and integrate the curriculum, and we hope to engage your mind and heart in learning that matters to you. We believe we can best support your growth and attainment of learning goals through the individual attention and relationships that are possible in a small learning community.
Flight 1
9th grade Required Courses:
- Physical Science & Physics of Flight
- Algebra I or Algebra 2
- Aviation English 9
- Human History
- Introduction to Aerospace Engineering*
- Aviation Business and Careers*
10th Grade Required Courses
- Chemistry in Industry
- Geometry or Pre-Calculus
- Aviation English 10
- International Issues STEM and Beyond
- World Language I or plan to take the World Language Proficiency Exam
- Introduction to Robotics Programming
- Aviation Photography
- Leadership
- Pre-Engineering Technologies (Science Olympiad)
- Yearbook
- World language (Spanish)
- Visual Arts
*State requirement, can be taken anytime in high school.
Flight 2
11th Grade Required Courses:
- Systems Biology & Aerospace Physiology
- Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, AP Stats or AP Calculus A/B
- AP Language & Composition
- AP US History
- World Language 2 or plan to take World Language by Proficiency
12th Grade Required Courses:
- UWHS English or English 12
- Civics (1 semester)
- Health (1 semester)
- Any Flight I Elective
- AP Calculus A/B
- AP Stats
- Advanced Physics
- Aviation Photography 1 & 2
- World Language
- Spanish 3
- AP Spanish
- UWHS Astronomy
- Engineering Design 3-D & Manufacturing
- Advanced Aerospace Engineering
- Machine Shop Engineering
- AP Computer Science
- Aviation Journalism
- Yearbook
- Leadership Business Management (Coffee Cart)
- AP Environmental Science
*State requirement, can be taken anytime in high school.