Choice Transfer Release
This request is to be done after you have been accepted to rahs via the lottery
Choice Transfer Requests are for Non-Resident Students
Non-Resident Students are those who do not live within the Highline Public Schools (HPS) boundaries.
Non-resident students must first complete a school based application, during the open application window in January to be considered for enrollment. If an application is accepted, the applicant must submit a Choice Transfer Request no later than June 7th, every year. RAHS accepts non-resident applicants from the Seattle School district service area and other school districts within the Puget Sound Region.
Choice Transfer Instructions
Go to:
Click the green continue button.
Enter your email address. (This is where your access code will be sent to). You should see a message in red stating that your code was sent successfully.
Go to your email and get your access code.
Enter in your access code and hit the Green Continue button.
Click the next school year button: 2024-2025
Start date is: 9-4-2024 End date: 6-18-2025
Enter Resident District: This is the district you live in, where your address is located. Not necessarily the district your student is currently enrolled in.
Enter Non Resident District: Highline School District Requested School is: Raisbeck Aviation High School School Program: Leave blank
Current School or Last School Attended: If your school is not listed in the drop down, use district that you currently live in.
Reason for Transfer: To enroll in a school with academic options not offered in this district.
Fill in the student information. Student grade will be the grade your student will be in for the 2024-2025 school year.
Fill in the address information.
Fill in the behavior information. They should all be answered NO. If you are answering anything but NO, please contact Samantha Clements.
Read the NOTICES portion.
Check the Acknowledgement boxes and sign the document. Submit request, Green Box.
You will receive an immediate confirmation in your email from eds.ospi.k12.wa. Please forward this confirmation to Samantha Clements:
After the initial confirmation email, you will receive two more emails. One is saying that the Choice Request has been requested. The second email is your acceptance. Please keep these emails for reference. Samantha Clements may need this information in the future.
For any questions please reach out to Samantha Clements at 206-631-7211 or